Does Sex Education Beneficial To Students?

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In this generation, teenagers are being sexually experienced by the age of 14.To encounter this growing trend, some public schools have enacted some form of sex education to inform their students of their choices and the consequences that come with the decision they make. The issue of sex education has long been discussed and debated with several quarters urging sex education to be implemented in schools to curb social ills like unwanted pregnancies and throwing away of babies, which has become rampant of late (Aziz,2010). Sex education which is also known as sexuality education or sex and relationship education, is a process of giving knowledge and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. Sex education is a subject that teaches students about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, abstinence, contraception and other aspects of human sexual behavior. At the same time, it is undeniable that sex knowledge can also work in a negative way where the teenagers can engaged in sexual behavior with enough sexual knowledge. Although sex education may spark the curiosity of an innocent student, go against a student’s moral or religious beliefs and causes embarrassment to the opposite sex, it is an effective way to study birth control methods and prevent teen pregnancy. Opponents argue that sex education may spark the curiosity of an innocent student which will embark their mind to carry out sexual related activities. This is because; some people think that exposing a student to sex can tarnish their innocence and heighten their curiosity. However they neglect to realize that sex education is not to encourage students to practice sex but it is for better understanding of sexual knowledge in a proper manner. Even if the students are not taught about sex, they still

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