Does Religion Have a Place in Modern Society

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With the passing of time, many question if religion is still a relavant institution in the modern world. Indeed, in the age of science, many religions have lost their central role in the lives of people. At times, conflicts have even arisen due to the "irrelevance" of religion. Darwin, in his pursuit of science, was forced by the church to cease his support of the theory of evolution which tries to explain how all organisms evolved from simplistic ancestors over time. Inter-religious conflicts dominate the headlines and casts doubts on the positive role of religion. With such problems prevalent in society, it is truly justified that some question if religion has a place in modern society. Religion, though flawed, has its roles. For instance, the preachings of certain religions actually teach followers to take on selfless roles in society to aid the less fortunate. It is also due to the strong backing of religion that organisations such as the YMCA Youth For Causes are formed to benefit society. Churches are also known to bring followers on overseas volunteering work which often helps in the development of rural areas in less developed countries. Though such acts are not limited to religious organisations, show that religion is important in modern society as it showcases its ability to call upon and influence its followers to do good. This is something few others are able to do, even for multibillionaires and pop stars who command companies of more than a hundred thousand workers worldwide or with fanbases that reach into the millions. However, the diminishing role of religion is indeed evident in modern society. In the past, religions used to provide explanations for the unknown, from the movement of celestial bodies to the origins of mankind. However, with advances in science and technology, mankind no longer turns to faith for explanations. Now that science
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