Does Prior Knowledge Facilitate or Inhibit Opportunity Recognition

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Table of Content Introduction : 2 Prior knowledge facilitates the opportunity recognition 4 Limitation of this first part : prior knowledge may also in some extent inhibit opportunity recognition. 6 Prior knowledge is not the only one required component into the process of opportunity recognition 8 Conclusion 9 Reflection on our research process 10 References 11 Introduction : In the entrepreneurial process, finding an opportunity is a crucial and major moment for the entrepreneur. Moreover, people are trying to learn how to be entrepreneur, trying to get all the useful knowledge they could to be or become a good entrepreneur. So we can wonder what the impacts of such knowledge on the behavior of an entrepreneur are, especially concerning the part of the process of entrepreneurship which is the opportunity recognition. It’s obvious that there is an impact and that it is possible to teach people how better to recognize opportunities. But having prior knowledge also implies having characteristic framework and point of view, and we can also wonder if it doesn’t limit creativity, so the question is: does prior knowledge facilitate or inhibit opportunity recognition? First it is important to define the terms of the subject we will study. First, opportunity here means entrepreneurial opportunity, which can be defined, according to Eckhardt & Shane (2003) and following Shane & Venkataraman (2000) and Casson (1982), as “situations in which new goods, services, raw materials, markets and organizing methods can be introduced through the formation of new means, ends, or means-ends relationships.”. In other words, this is the possibility to introduce something new, some innovation into the business world. Defining the term of “opportunity recognition” is more difficult, because authors don’t always agree with each other’s, and some of them don’t

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