Does Painting Have Any Advantages over Photography in Portraying People?

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Does painting have any advantages over photography in portraying people?
Painting and photography are two of the most popular art forms, which allow to depict persons or scenes of common life. But while both painting and photography can produce beautiful images, the process of creating and the attitude towards them are very different.
In my opinion the main advantage that painting has over photography in general and escepially in portraying people is that a photography is a copy, not a creation, while a painting is a rendering of artists’ vision, it is pure creation. Some people say that photography is a contemporary art form that can be just as inspiring and impressive as painting. They also say that camera is a tool just like brushes and pencils. And, of course, a photographer as a painter, chooses settings and characters. He can depict a person or some scene or landscape. But here is the thing – he can only capture it. While a painter who also uses tools (brushes, pencils, crayons), but he doesn’t simply capture a person, he analyses. He tries to interpret the personality of an individual, to reveal the person’s nature, but not just to copy some face features.
Secondly, painting demands abstract thinking, a certain analyses that should be done by an artist as well as by a viewer. Not any person who has enough manual skill can produce a great portrait. But almost any photographer who acquired some skills can choose a right perspective and make a good portrait. A good example is a cubist portrait. Have you ever seen them? These are portraits with unusual perspective and peculiar range of colours. They are far from realistic representation of a person, but still they are portraits. Can photography do that? Of course no.
Also, while painting is an independent creation, photography is very much dependent on a scene. A painter can do a painting from memory or

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