Does Instruction Make a Difference

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Does explicit instruction make a difference? Children acquire first language or languages very easily at the early age without studying it. As long as they are surrounded by people who speak that language, the process of learning to speak it is not complicated. It is unbelievable how easily a child can acquire one or more languages at the same time if only well exposed to them at early age and when verbal communication is happening. Unfortunately, when trying to learn foreign language much later than our first language, the process seems to be more complex and takes a longer time. There are many different reasons for learning a second language. Many people learn it because they immigrate to different countries and English is needed there for communication, business or educational purposes. Not surprisingly, some people study English without an important reasons as in today’s world it is very common to be able to communicate in more than just one language. Nowadays learning global languages like English started playing a crucial role in education and the question how to teach them effectively arises more and more among the teachers and second language scholars. Second language learning professionally called Second Language Acquisition in linguistics field is the debate of many people who believe in different theories as well as trying to discover the perfect conditions for learning a foreign language. The foreign language learning is much more complicated than the first language acquisition that is why scholars try to create the conditions in which we learn the mother-tongue and apply them to the second language learning for the successful acquisition to happen. Unfortunately, it is not an easy task and takes a lot of researches, time and as each of us is an individual there is no perfect recipe for the second language acquisition. Hence, year after year

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