Does Andy Gets Justice in the End?

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Andy, a young banker, was convicted for the murder of his wife and her lover. He was, therefore, sent to Shawshank Prison for life, for a crime he had not committed. After reading this story, one may be wondering whether Andy got justice in the end. Justice may be defined as a behavior or treatment that is right and fair. Therefore, Andy does get justice because he is now out of prison, and had accomplished many good things in Shawshank Prison, he was also able to exert some vengeance on Norman. However, during most of the book, he does not have any justice at all. Andy does get justice in the end mainly because he escaped. He was able to free himself against the law when the law had convicted him wrongly. Plus, Andy, before entering prison, created a false identity with the help of a friend: “My friend Jim was the one who set up the false identity” (p.76). He can now use this false identity; he will not be associated to the murderer of his wife and her lover anymore; he can start his life over. Furthermore, tied to this false identity, was a bank account on which Andy had saved a big sum of money: “three hundred and seventy thousand dollars” (p.77). This money can now be used for his personal pleasure. Indeed, he moved to Zihuatanejo in Mexico, a life of dream, surrounded by the beach and the warmth of the sun. Moreover, Andy’s escape made Norman really angry: “provoke Norton to even greater rage” (p.86). The anger Norman felt was like a vengeance from Andy because he did not want to help Andy for his own benefit. Andy had a chance to have another trial because Tommy Williams knew the real murderer of “Andy’s crime” but Norman did not want Andy to leave. Furthermore, he was able to accomplish great things in prison, for example his perseverance caused the prison’s library to expand; he wrote one letter per week to the Maine State Senate which

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