Do You Agree with the View That, by 1940, the Main Obstacle to Indian Independence Was Not British Imperialism, but the Divisions Within India?

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By 1940, there were many factors contributing towards the fact that India had not yet acquired themselves independence. It can be said that the main reason that there was no independence was in fact due to the divisions, whether it be political or religious, within India. This view is supported fully by source 15 and somewhat source 17. The question is asking whether or not the British were the reason that India weren’t getting independence as they wanted to keep hold of the nation at this point, or if the reason India was still being ruled by Britain was because of their own issues within the nation. Source 15 fully agrees with the fact that it was India’s fault that they were not achieving ‘purna swaraj.’ It states that Britain ‘ could not contemplate transfer of their present responsibilities to any system of government whose authority is directly denied by large and powerful elements in India’s national life. This statement is made by Viceroy Linlithgow, a month after the August Offer had been made, whilst in discussion with Jinnah. The August Offer highlights that there are huge amounts of division between Congress and the Muslim League. The Offer was a clear message that the Muslims would need to be accounted for. Source 17 supports this by saying, ‘the wishes and needs of the Muslim community would have to be taken into account in any settlement.’ The source shows a discussion between Linlithgow and Jinnah, concerning arrangements for the wartime administration. The divide between Congress and the Muslim league is essentially what led to the August Offer, and the war meant that the Hindus and the Muslims could certainly not work out some sort of rapprochement, which is what source 15 is arguing. In the source there are elements within national life which are described as ‘large and powerful,’ which is telling us that the Viceroy, and the British most likely
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