Do Women Enjoy the Same Rights as Men

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Despite efforts over centuries to help minimize discrimination faced by women in the society, women in the present society still do not enjoy the same rights as men. However, to say that women will never enjoy the same rights as men will be too extreme and exaggerated. First of all, I would like to make a point that women and men should not be compared in such a general manner. Both sexes are on earth for different purposes. However, if comparison should be needed, specific rights like voting and education can be examined in detail. In these 2 cases, women have already achieved both. Women of today have yet to enjoy the same rights as man but improvements have been seen. For example, women are still not allowed the same pay as men who are of similar ranks to them in a workplace. The root of this problem is to society, a woman should be at home, taking care of children and not out there in the working world. The income difference maybe expected to serve as deterrence to women, encouraging them to remain a housewife. However, this mindset is starting to change. Vice versa, men are starting to accept the fact that they too, do play a role in bringing up and caring more for their children. This is a mindset problem that is gradually changing as the years go buy. Therefore, I disagree that women will never enjoy the same rights as men. Another point is that women have already proven themselves capable to handle the intellectual demands both in politics and the workplace. Women are starting to appear one by one in parliaments and also take on major roles such a CEO of a company. This is important for women so that they can have the same rights as men and this step helps them to continue moving forward. If women don't try and become let's say a president than women will still lack certain rights to as that of a male. For example in Malta the President is a female
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