Do We Really Have to Choose Between Money and Safety?

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Do we really have to choose between money and safety? Transportation has always been a necessity for humans. In the past we used horses to go anywhere we needed, but technology improves every day and nowadays we have so much variety of cars, motorcycles, public transportation and so much other ways of transportation we don’t really know which one to use anymore or which one would be the right one for us, because not every vehicle fit the owner like cowboys used the horses, while in order to transport more than one person a carriage was needed, while athletic people use bicycles or may even walk. After saying this, there are certain people made for bikes and others for cars. For some people public transportation is perfect if they only have to go to point a to point b, so taking the bus or metro rail is a really cheap way for getting to where you need. For most people their own vehicle is a necessity, there is where we get on choosing between a car and a motorcycle. People always judge these two methods of transportation by saying cars are too expensive and motorcycles are too dangerous. Truth is they both have good things and bad things about them, their economy, safety, speed, and simplicity. Cars and motorcycle have a lot of similarities starting with they are great ways of transportation. They both work almost the same; they have an engine which is the one that moves them. They both need gas to run also oil change and the basic maintenance. Both of this vehicles can get a person from point a to point b. they can be bought the same ways either cash or the person can finance them. Motorcycles are the most dangerous type of motor vehicle to drive. These vehicles are involved in fatal crashes at a rate of 35.0 per 100 million miles of travel, compared with a rate of 1.7 per 100 million miles of travel for passenger cars. Because motorcycles are capable of high

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