Do We Need A Stronger Legislative Council In Hk?

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In our legislative system it is difficult, if not impossible, for legislative members to initiate a bill to be passed in the Legislative Council (LegCo). All of the bills proposed by the government must be passed by the three readings of the LegCo before it can be implemented legally. Constitutionally, the LegCo cannot initiate a policy in the form of a bill. The major legislative function of the LegCo ultimately is to pass, to amend or to reject the government bill. The weapon of the LegCo is to veto government bills, or to turn down the requests for financial appropriation by the executive government. After all, our LegCo does not exercise a genuine legislative power but a veto power. It actually plays a much stronger monitoring rather than legislative and policymaking role. In order to ensure that the legislators would pass the bills or the financial requests, officials have to persuade the elected representatives and their parties to accept government proposals, resulting in bargaining and compromise. Our elected legislators do not have to be responsible for the effectiveness of policies. They are not elected to govern the society but at most to stop the executive from making any policy against the public interest. Our elected representatives basically gain support by opposing to the government. What we need, however, is someone who is capable of making policy to represent public interest. At the moment, we as citizens still do not have the right to elect representatives to make policies on our behalf and provide us with the leadership to consider alternative blueprints for Hong Kong’s long term development. In this way politicians can easily position themselves by claiming to represent the interest of a sector or a class. Even for those who claim to stand for public interest in a general sense are difficult to position themselves, because they never have the
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