Do Kids Spend Too Much Time On Computers?

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Do Kids Spend Too Much Time On Computers? : To Google or not To Google? Before I read this article I want to compare and contrast about why it’s bad for kids to use the computer a lot. How can we help kids to keep away from games on the internet because it can lead to stuff that aren’t good? Yes: I do think that kids play and spend most of their time on the computer. They barely go out and get physically active nor do they hang out with family and friends. I don’t think it’s very healthy for them to sit all day beside the computer and play because not only do they gain weight and become very lazy but they start disobeying their friends, start failing class, and not only do they disobey their friends but they also disobey their own family by: yelling at their parents, not coming to eat lunch& dinner with the family, and when their parents tell them to help them or do something they ignore them and don’t listen. I think that the game’s on the internet take over the children’s brains. There is one particle game that kids love to play which is I suggest that you try your best to keep your kids away from this websites. No: I also do think that children should spend SOME time on the internet but try not to spend it on games, IM’s, Myspace, Facebook, and so on. I do know that when spending time reading and learning about math, history, and science from the internet will help students when they get older. Internet has so many great things but you have to use it the right way and not the wrong way because if you start using it the wrong way it will effect you in a bad way but if you use it the right way it will effect you in a very good way. So please take time and think before you go to any website think about your future, think if the website will help you, and I promise if you do they right thing you will be successful in life! Yes from

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