Dna as a Scientific Tool for Criminal Investigation

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DNA as a Scientific Tool in Criminal Investigation I. Introduction Forensic science is the use of science and technology to investigate and provide guidance in criminal or civil courts of law. Sciences used in forensics include any discipline that can aid in the collection, preservation and analysis of evidence such as chemistry (for the identification of explosives), engineering (for examination of structural design) or biology (for DNA identification or matching). Forensic science supplies the courts accurate information about all the attending features of identification of criminals. The recent advancement in modern biological research has revolutionized forensic science resulting in a radical impact on the administration of justice. And in this new scientific era, it’s the emergence of DNA testing that has changed the role of forensic science in our legal system from a passive spectator to the main key player. What is DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is the fundamental building block for an individual’s entire genetic makeup. It was first described by the scientists Francis H. C. Crick and James D. Watson in 1953. Crick and Watson identified the double-helix structure of DNA, which resembles a twisted ladder, and established the role of DNA as the material that makes up the genetic code of living organisms. DNA is the same in every cell throughout an individual's body. It can be extracted from a number of sources, such as hair, semen, bone, teeth, saliva, mucous, fingernails and blood. DNA evidence can be taken from anyplace in a crime scene. It may be found on Clothes, Stamps, Bite marks, Weapons, Cigarettes, Cups, and Tissues etc. Because the human body contains so many copies of DNA, even a minuscule amount of bodily fluid or tissue can yield useful information. DNA is considered to be the far most powerful tool for law enforcement

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