Diversity and Pluralism: a Quranic Perspective

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DIVERSITY AND PLURALISM: A QUR’ĀNIC PERSPECTIVE Mohammad Hashim Kamali* Abstract: This article begins with a review of the meaning and concept of pluralism and such of its allied words as diversity and tolerance. Then it discusses a set of general premises of Islam such as divine oneness (tawh īd), juristic disagreement . (ikhtilāf) and disunity (tafarruq) that have a bearing on pluralism. Human dignity (karāmah), the moral autonomy of the individual (ikhtiyār) also substantiate the essence of pluralism in Islam. The rest of the article addresses the various manifestations of pluralism ranging from its ethno-linguistic, to religious, political, cultural and legal varieties. The concluding section argues, with reference to Malaysia, that issues pertaining to ethno-religious pluralism call for deeper and more refined approaches to meet new challenges Malaysia is currently facing. The multi-religious and multicultural features of Malaysian society can be enriched by greater policy focus on integration that brings different religious and ethnic groups in closer proximity and contact in their places of residence, learning and work. Pluralism: Meaning and Concept The term ‘pluralism’ is used very frequently these days, and like many words so freely and often employed it tends to become a cliché, which is why I have attempted in this article to divide and discuss pluralism into several varieties. This approach also implies that discussing pluralism as a composite whole, or discussing only one aspect of it in isolation from its other applications, tends to invite ambiguity. Critics have often equated pluralism with moral relativism that mixes all religious and cultural traditions into one and thus demolishes genuine differences between them. The proponents of pluralism have, on the other hand, underlined the inevitability of its recognition. People of different races,

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