Diversity and Inclusion

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Task 1 Explain briefly what is meant by the terms equality, diversity and inclusion. Write your answers in the boxes below: |Diversity |People with a wide range of characteristics and backgrounds | |Equality |People to be treated with equal concerns | |Inclusion |Treat people equally no matter what their background, culture, disabilities or additional needs are. | Task 2 Each of the scenarios below involves some kind of discrimination. What do you think will be the consequences of the discrimination if nothing is done to challenge it? Fill in the table below. An example has been completed for you. |Scenario |Potential consequences | |Jasmin and Katy laugh at him and say he must be a girl, because only |Paul might be very embarrassed and avoid ‘feminine’ activities in future,| |girls play with the tea-set. |which could adversely affect his development. Or he may become withdrawn | | |since he feels he is not allowed to play with a toy he enjoys. Hemay also| | |become angry towards Jasmin and Katy. | |Heather uses a wheelchair. Practitioner Frances is worried that she will |Heather might feel hurt and excluded, which will have an effect on her | |get hurt in an outdoor game so she leaves her by the window watching |development, self esteem and self-confidence. | |while

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