Disney Motivation Paper

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Disney's Motivation Strategies University of Phoenix October 17, 2009 Introduction “Motivation is essential to the performance, development and success of any employee” (SJD, 2007, para 1). Motivation plays a major function in everyday lives, pushing us to meet all kinds of deadlines and goals. In the office, motivation is the answer to getting the optimal productivity from an organization and at the same time assuring quality and satisfaction. Workers have extrinsic needs as praise, pay and status, security, and intrinsic requirements such as sense of achievement, self-respect, and social relationships. Fulfilment of these needs will result in the employees’ job satisfaction. Organizations use a mixture of methods to meet these conditions, such as reward systems, benefits, and job enrichment. Disney has developed into one of the worlds most distinguished theme parks. Disney has executed this through colossal, communication, innovation, and admiration for every member of the Disney team. Disneyland is the provider of quality entertainment to one of every age. “Disney provides everyone with films, T.V. shows, products, stores, hotels as well as attractions for the whole family (Disney.go.com, 2008).” “Throughout the years, our guests, audiences, consumers and shareholders have come to depend on us for quality, creativity, innovation, and integrity” (Iger, 2008). Company Background The Disney organization as it exists today is a series of dreams, determination and creativity that began by Walt Disney less than 100 years ago. Walt Disney developed a short film back in 1923 that he hoped to sell into distribution. In the fall of 1923 he was successful selling the Alice Comedies marking the official beginning of the Walt Disney Company. The public became more aware of Disney about five years later as Steamboat Willie and its main character Mickey Mouse

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