Discuss Ways in Which Psychological States Are Presented in ‘After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes’. in Your Answer Explore the Effects of Language, Imagery and Verse Form. Consider How This Poem Relates to Other

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Discuss ways in which psychological states are presented in ‘After great pain, a formal feeling comes’. In your answer explore the effects of language, imagery and verse form. Consider how this poem relates to other Dickinson poems you have studied. In Dickinson’s ‘After great pain, a formal feeling comes’ depression is a major theme throughout the poem. When pain and suffering take place, it is likely to affect one’s psychological state of mind. Dickinson discusses the ways in which pain is processed, and the poem could be a reflection of Dickinson's own experiences of depression and intense mental suffering. She lived in a time where religion was a big preoccupation, specifically the Calvinist community. The description of despair and pain would be radical to a religious person and would be seen as having lack of faith in God. In the poem Dickinson recreates the psychological state of mind, we as the readers go through when we suffer pain, through her use of language, imagery and verse. In the poem Dickinson portrays a numb state of mind throughout. With the use of alliteration of “formal feeling” it conveys the mask you show to the world when suffering, as it’s not socially acceptable to show pain, therefore the combination of the two words ‘formal’ and ‘feeling’ convey a numbness in the poem and emphasise the pain that the speaker is attempting to block out. It could be interpreted as the speaker is relying on formal behaviour as it doesn’t require emotion and is mindless. “Formal feeling” is really an oxymoron, for the feeling of no feeling, it could illustrate that the speaker believes that after pain you have to experience numbness in order to let go and survive. In ‘After great pain, a formal feeling comes’ there is a sense of depersonalisation and dehumanization and a sense that the speaker has lost her identity due to the pain she has within. The

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