Discuss the Working Model of Memory, Refer to Another Model in Your Answer (10 Marks) [Ao1=5, Ao2=5]

680 Words3 Pages
The working model of memory (WMM) is a model of only short term memory (STM). Baddeley and Hitch (1974) argues that the STM is much more complex than a ‘stopping off’ point for information on its way to long term memory (LTM). Instead they argued that STM is an active store that can hold and manipulate information and can perform different tasks at the same time. Also that it is made up of several stores and has a limited capacity and duration. The components of the WMM are split into 3 main sections; Central executive, visuo-spatial scratch pad and phonological store. The Central executive is the system in overall charge which allocates information to the other subsystems. It is very flexible and can process information in any sensory modality. Also the central Executive can hold and manipulate information, and like other stores in WMM, it has a limited capacity. Visuo-spatial scratch pad is the inner eye, it is where you see it in your brain. It holds and manipulates visual and spatial information and relies on a visual code, e.g. colour, shape and size. The visual component deal with what the object looks like and holds the information encoded from the verbal stimuli, and the spatial component allows us to monitor where about it is in relation to other objects. And due to the limited capacity it is difficult to perform several visuo-spatial tasks at the same time. Finally the Phonological store, this is responsible for processing sound based information and is made up of two sub components; the Articulatory loop and the primary acoustic store. The articulatory loop (inner voice) is a limited capacity verbal rehearsal loop used to prepare speech and to think in words as when doing mental arithmetic or memorising information i.e. a phone number. The capacity is determined by how long it takes to say something. The primary acoustic store (inner ear) receives

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