Discuss the Main Reasons for an Organization to Choose Diversification as a Strategic Direction

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* Diversification involves increasing the range of products or markets served by an organization. Diversification can be categorized into related and unrelated diversification. Related diversification involves diversifying into products or services with relationships to the existing business. According to Ansoff’s growth matrix, the organization has two related diversification strategies available by moving to the right – developing new products for its existing markets or moving to the left – bringing its existing products into new markets. Alternatively, the organization can move in both directions at once following a conglomerate (unrelated) diversification strategy involving diversification into products or service with no relationships to the existing businesses. * * Ansoff’s Matrix * * * Diversification is chosen as a strategic direction for a variety of reasons. Organization diversifies to exploit economies of scope where organization’s existing resources or competences can be utilized in new markets or services. For example, universities hall of residences can be let out to professionals or tourist visiting the area during out of term-time. Economies of scope can be applied to tangible (eg. conference rooms) and intangible resources (eg. brand and staff skills). * * Another reason for diversification is the potential to stretch corporate parenting management competences, apply skills of talented corporate level managers to new businesses. This allows the set of corporate level managerial competences to be applied across the portfolio of businesses. This is applicable even to businesses that do not share similar resources at the operating-unit level. For example, the French luxury-goods conglomerate LVMH creates value for businesses ranging from champagne to financial media by skills of creative people. * *

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