Discuss the Main Factors Affecting Product Pricing in the Uk

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The product pricing in the UK is mainly dependent on the market structure as well as the firms’ objectives and strategies although there are still other factors which may influence the price. The market structure and the firms objectives are closely related, for instance a monopolist may raise its price if it aims to maximize profit. Various firms have different objectives may affect the product pricing, a profit maximizing firm is likely to charge a higher price than a sales revenue maximizing firm. Moreover, a firm’s pricing strategies like cost- plus pricing, price discrimination and limit pricing may affect the price. In my opinion, these are the major factors that would influence product pricing in the UK. In a perfectly competitive market, there are no barriers to entry and exit. Thus, the existing firms cannot prevent new firms from entering the industry. All firms are price takers since each firm only possesses an insignificantly low market share, they have no market power to individually influence the price of the product. In other words, any change in a firm’s output would not affect the market price as the price is determined by the intersection of demand and supply in the whole industry. Hence, it may be interpreted as the market demand affects the product price in a perfectly competitive market. Contrary to perfect competition, a monopoly occurs when a firm thoroughly dominates the market. The freedom of entry and exit in a monopoly market is restricted or even entirely blocked which permits the monopolists to deter potential competitors from entering the industry. The monopolists are price makers which they have the market power to charge at any price. If the monopolists aim to maximize profit, they can increase the price due to the less elastic demand. Therefore, the price in a monopoly market may be determined by the firm’s objective. The most

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