Discuss Attitudes to Food and/or Eating Behaviour

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Discuss attitudes to food and/or eating behaviour There are many explanation of attitudes to food and eating behaviours many are supported by different research, many of them are outlined as clinical (having an eating disorder) sub-clinical (below having an eating disorder) and non-clinical (comfort eaters). The social learning theory is a main explanation to why we have certain attitudes towards food, which is mostly due to parental influence; this is because we observe our parents attitudes towards food and what they eat. Our parents at this age are in control of our diet by controlling our consumption of food within the house hold; in which we then become accustom to our parents diets, and their behaviour towards the purchasing of food products; therefore we are learning to eat the same way as our parents do. A study by Brown and Ogden found a constant correlation between parents and their children in terms of snack food intake, body dissatisfaction and eating motivations. However it isn’t just parents who play an important role in influencing our food habits the media is also a key influence. TV and Magazines are a great contribution to the influence of eating habits especially when people want to eat healthy, but eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean you are healthy; there is such an emphasis on being slim in magazines, which some girls thrive to be like. There are so many secret diets such as the ‘maple syrup diet’ that is supposed, to make you drop pounds fast; however your only supposed to consume this which has a bad affect on your health. These diets are broadcasted to a wide population through magazines as Macintyre et al said the media has a huge impact on people attitudes to food and what they eat. The social learning theory isn’t the only key factor that brought about people’s attitudes towards food, when looking into cultural differences you

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