Discuss and Critically Evaluate the Traditional ‘Rational Problem Solving, Cognitive Model’ of Consumer Decision-Making Process, in Light of the Arguments Given in the Case Study: ‘Holiday Decision-Making: an Adaptable

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Discuss and critically evaluate the traditional ‘rational problem solving, cognitive model’ of consumer decision-making process, in light of the arguments given in the case study: ‘Holiday decision-making: an adaptable and opportunistic ongoing process Before describing the application of the scientific methods to the study of consumer behaviour and holiday decision making process, it is useful to discuss the goals of scientists, which are to describe, predict, control, and explain phenomena. Similarly the four goals of marketing practitioners are to describe, predict, control, and explain consumer behaviour phenomena, furthermore to be able to stimulate actions. These hypothesise are key to my case study which investigates vacation as a ‘leisure’ induced activity through theories where the ‘opportunistic’ and ‘adaptable’ aspects of vacation will prove variable to macro and micro systems of the decision maker’s psyche amongst the economic, political and social situations. Economics has long assumed people motivated by money with the fundamental aim of making profit endorse constructive and predictive models of behaviour. The rational choice theory exerts that people calculate the likely costs and benefits of an action before making a decision. Rational theory claims individuals anticipate the outcomes of alternative courses of action and calculate which will be best for them. Rational individuals choose the alternative that is likely to give them the greatest satisfaction, working on the basis that people have preferences they are inclined towards. Despite rational choice being the most traditional theory there is argument that it's situational and context-dependent, though the strength of the rational choice model derives from the assumption that preferences are relatively stable and not too situation-dependent. This is the source of the theory’s empirical

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