Disadvantages of Being a Long Haul Truck Driver

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The Disadvantages of Being a Long Haul Truck Driver Imagine driving cross-country from the magnificent waves of the west coast, through the canyons of the Rocky Mountains, to the rolling hills of the Great Smokey Mountains on the east coast. To most people this would sound like the ideal job, but the reality is that being an over the road truck driver has many downfalls. To begin with, long haul truckers are governed to stay on a strict schedule at all times. Furthermore, they must come accustomed to their surroundings. Consequently, the families of the truck driver are also deeply affected by the occupation. Most trucking companies make their drivers adhere to a schedule for the reason that the products they are shipping arrives at the approved time. This demanding schedule is sometimes hard to come by. For example, if the trucker has been awake for over two days and feels the need he or she cannot go on any longer, the shipment must still be delivered in a timely manner. Weather also plays an important role in time. When driving conditions weaken, the speed at which drivers are traveling usually decreases, therefore creating painstaking traffic for the truck driver. Likewise, if a powerful blizzard or hurricane occurs and is in the path of the destination, the driver must still overcome these hurdles and deliver the load. Most people cannot drive through these storms, let alone at the set speed limit. Time does not discriminate if you are a long haul truck driver. The average size of a tractor trailer cab is about the size of a small bathroom. Most people could not live in this environment for long periods of time. Being a long haul driver requires a person to be a strong minded individual to deal with these harsh living spaces, since the majority of their life is spent inside the truck. The rest of the time the driver spends at truck stops, either

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