Disadvantages and Advantages of Cash Budget

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Advantages of budgeting - Budgeting forces early consideration - Budgeting compels all the members of management to participate in the establishment of goals and plans. - Budgeting compels departmental managers to make plans in harmony with the other departments and of the entire enterprise. - Budgeting helps the management to put down in figures what is necessary for a satisfactory performance. - Budgeting helps the management to plan for the most economical use of labour, material and capital. - Budgeting tends to remove the uncertainty that exists in many organizations, especially among lower levels of management, relative to basic policies and objectives. - Budgeting promotes an understanding among members of management of their co-workers' problems. - Budgeting force management to give adequate attention to the effects of general business conditions. - Budgeting aids in obtaining bank credit as banks commonly require a projection of future operations and cash flows to support loans. - Budgeting checks progress towards the objectives of the enterprise. - Budgeting rewards high performance and seeks to correct unfavourable performance. - Budgeting forces management to consider expected future trends and conditions -Budget provides tool for corrective action through reallocations. Disadvantages of budgeting -It can be very time-consuming to create a cash budget, especially in a poorly-organized environment where many iterations of the budget may be required. -Cash budgets may also cause distortions. Cash inflows do not equate to profit. Cash inflows resulting from security deposits, fines, the sale of capital assets, or any other one-off, non-sustainable activity do not necessarily represent reliable on-going sources of revenue. (Cited http://www.brighthub.com/office/finance/articles/119670.aspx 06 February

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