Diploma Level 3 Health and Social Care

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UNIT 301 Principles of communication in adult social care settings UNIT HSC31 Promote communications in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Task A-Written Questions Please refer to unit assessment criteria when answering these questions Identify four different reasons why people communicate. (C301 1.1) (SHC311.1) There are many different reasons why people communicate four of them are: To express our emotional needs, feelings of love, happiness or anger. To express our physical needs, hunger, thirst or pain. For safety and security needs, a person should be free from fear and anxiety. Education, communication is needed to enable a person to learn. Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other practitioners. (C301 1.2) (SHC31 1.2) Effective communication can affect a relationship in an adult social care setting by making the service user feel happy, secure, safe and comfortable with the social care worker. This enables the social care worker to carry out their job role and ensure the service user is receiving the best care. If effective communication is being used in an adult social care setting then the family, service user and other practitioners Using the table below, identify three ways of finding out the communication and language needs of an individual. For each method, describe how effective it is at establishing the needs of the individual. (C301 2.1) Describe three factors to consider when promoting effective communication. (C301 2.2) (SHC31 2.2) Disabilities - Hearing, sight, mobility, speak impairment. Cultural - differences is Environmental - Lights, air, noise, temperature. If someone is comfortable.
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