Differentiate between human and animal communication.

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Human communication is structurally complex while the animal communication is not. The former is conditioned by time and geography, the latter is not. For example, the dogs of all the counties have the same system of massage and symbols. Human beings, on the other hand, use a variety of symbols which differ from one nation or geographical region to another. Human language is much more acquired by effort and is the result of social interaction. Animal communication differs in this respect too. If a human child is kept away from human society for a long time, and is conditioned to live in the community, say of wolves, in all probability, he will not be able to acquire human language. In other word, animal system of communication is instinctive and inherited; human language is not such. Human language has a much wider range of flexibility, modification, change, variety, creativity, etc. than animal communication. In human language, the element of the mimicry is more than it is in the animal communication. The organs of speech by which humans produce sounds from a rare gift of nature to man. No other species except apes and monkeys has been exdowed with this gift. We can summarize the difference between the human language and the animal system of communication in the following manner. Human language 1. Unlimited and infinite 2. Open system 3. Extendable, modification 4. Flexible and full of variety 5. Non-instinctive 6. Acquired 7. Conditioned by geography 8. Full of novelty and creativity 9. Recurrent 10. Has grammaticality 11. Cognitive as well as behavioral 12. Descriptive and narrative Animal communication system 1. Limited and finite 2. Closed system 3. Unextendable and unmodifiable 4. Inflexible and without variety 5. Instinctive 6. Inherited 7. Not conditioned by geography 8. Before of novelty and creativity 9. Repetitive 10. Has no

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