Differences Between Social Control And Law

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Law differentiates from other forms of social control through many ways. The definition to social control is the rules, habits, and customs by which a society tries to maintain order. A law, by definition, is law is a system of rules usually enforced through a set of organization. There are two major sections that separate the types of social control, formal social control and informal social control. Formal control is included in laws and codes that the town or county follows. These controls are enforced by the police, courts and correctional institutions that makes sure everyone follows the rules under formal social control. Informal social control, however, are practiced by the citizens of the town without being directly told the rules. Social norms are what controls by the social control as law is to bigger and more formal rules. Social norm are the commonly held formations of suitable and anticipated behavior in a society or town. Social control is the used for beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. The social norms indicate the established and approved ways of judging things, for example clothing, religion, heritage and appearance. Norms can and do change over time, based on the society which it is used. Laws usually stay the same over a long period of time and do not change over ethnicity and religion. In a way, social control is not well known through the society. Social control can be as informal as a sign that says “curb your dog” or “no animals or vehicles on this property.” On the other hand, laws could also be subtle, but most of the time laws are well known and do not change to race or gender. Social control is just made to maintain order as simple as possible whereas law and crime is more formal and in depth than social control. Social control changes much more quickly than law does, as it takes years and years for laws to be changed. For social control,

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