Differences Between Aristotle And Plato

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Differences between Aristotle and Plato There are many differences in approach represented by Plato in his book, “Allegory of the Cave” and by Aristotle in his excerpt from, “On the Heaven.” The way Plato and Aristotle present how people obtain reality is very different. For example, Plato explains that to obtain knowledge of reality or the ideal Form, people must rise above their environment and try to learn and educate themselves. Plato does not believe that people are born with the knowledge of reality. In Plato’s book, the prisoners think that the shadows created on the cave wall that they see are the reality, but really they are not. Plato believed that if people only used their senses, they would not know what the real world was. In order to see the real world, he thought, the people must obtain knowledge and understanding. When one of the prisoners is finally able to see the objects that are creating these shadows, he will then start to believe. Finally, when he comes, out of his environment and into the light, he will open his eyes up and start to understand. By understanding he is able to gain knowledge of the true reality and become a philosopher. Plato thinks it takes time for people to gain reality. On the other hand, in “On the Heaven,” by Aristotle, he believed that the natural world people live on was already the reality. He thought that people where born with the sense of reality. He thinks that people can gain knowledge and understanding of reality by using their senses and observing specific things they see in the world, and then analyzing the facts to come up with a conclusion or theory about them. Aristotle also thought that the world was made of natural Forms instead of Ideal Forms. Another difference about Aristotle and Plato’s approach is that they focus on two very different topics. Plato is more focused on the perfection of the world and
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