Did the "Separation of the Red Sea" Really Happened?

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Patricia Anne P. Molera 05 July 2012 BSE-1A Theology The story of the parting of the Red Sea came from the Bible which tells about how Moses saved the Israelites from the Egyptian with the help of God by Him helping Moses to part the Red Sea to let the Israelites pass through it and to get to the other side. But the question is, did it really happen, or is it just another “metaphor” of the Bible? After discovering that the story of Adam and Eve is just a symbolism of God’s creation of man, a question like this came up in my mind. Are the other stories also a type of symbolism? As this question popped up, I went through some scientific research. The first theory is that researchers used archaeological records, satellite images and current day maps to estimate the water flow and depth that may have existed 3,000 years ago, and then used computer simulation to simulate the impact of wind at the site. They found that a wind of 63 miles an hour, lasting for 12 hours, would have pushed back waters estimated to be six-feet deep. Still I’m not sure if this is accurate information. But then again, it must be true because it is the way of God to part the sea, by sending a wind strong enough to part it. Another research said that they found debris and bones of the Egyptians and their chariots, though it still is not completely proven because it could just be corals covered by another layer of corals. Yet for me, it is true because no coral covered coral would be shaped like a chariot wheel. After this research, I should get to my opinion. For me this is true. It is possible that a very strong wind happened to part the sea. If someone asks are there damaged homes or things during the wind, I’ll say no because there were no stuff placed near the sea. But still, how come it did not blew away the Israelites. It may have pushed them back but did not fully

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