Did the Naval Blockades Have a Significant Impact on the Outcome of Wwi?

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Did the Naval Blockades have a significant impact on the outcome of World War One? By:Sharma Table of Contents Section A: Plan of the Investigation ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Section B: Summary of Evidence .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Section C: Evaluation of Sources. .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Section D: Analysis .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Section E: Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Section F: List of Sources ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 2 Section A: Plan of the Investigation Did the Naval blockades of Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance have a significant impact on the outcome of the First World War? This investigation will concentrate on the effects of Naval blockades of World War I and their major effects on the outcomes of World War I. It will determine the significance of Naval Warfare of World War I regarding the time frame of 1915-1917. This time frame will include key events

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