Diary Keeping Instructions

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Dear Friends, This term you will have a microteaching programme in which you will practise teaching , though in a simplified situation. What I would like you to do is to keep a ‘teaching diary’ during your teaching sessions along the microteaching programme. All you have to do is to make notes of your observations and experience of each lesson. The experiences you note may be those with your peers teaching or you yourself teaching. When you enter your notes you have to follow a certain pattern and make sure you give the answers to the following questions and issues. -Make a very brief description of the lesson. (lesson subject, objectives,methods, materials) - In what context did the teacher present the lesson subject? -How well organised and clear is the presentation? -To what extent was the context relevant to the students’ lives and experiences? -Was the context supported by the appropirate materials (eg.audio-visual materials, realia…)? -Do the techniques, materials serve for the teachers’ goal for this class? -In what ways was the teacher (your peers) good (Teachers’strenghts)? -What kinds of problems did the teacher(your peers) have? (weaknesses) THIS IS ABOUT YOUR OWN PERFORMANCE -What were you happy with in your own lesson? (your own performance, teaching materials, activities..etc.) - In what ways did contextualising your lessons help you to present more effective lessons? -What were you least happy with your own lesson? -If you were to teach the lesson that you taught once more, would you change any aspect of the lesson and how could you do it? -What are your peers’ and supervisors’comments and reactions to this teaching activity? HERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU WILL FOLLOW IN KEEPING THE DIARY. 1- At the end of each lesson that you observed or taught, you have to think of what happened in the
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