Diamond Importing Essay

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When you think of a diamond and where it comes from, what comes to mind? Do you think its just some rock found in the ocean? Believe it or not diamonds are found mostly in Africa and also in some parts Asia. There are also people known as diamond Importers who travel to the mines and buy diamonds in rough form. Diamond Importing is an interesting job because it lets you to travel all over the world and see different types of cultures. They also are the ones who cut and polish the Diamond, as well as distribute them to the different retail stores throughout the country. Some even sell the Diamonds themselves. There are few ways you can become a diamond importer. The first and easiest way is to be born into a family business, because importing licenses are already rationed out you must either wait for ones time to run out and win it at auction or you can purchase one from another company; there is also no set price for an importation license. The second way is a little harder and takes a bit longer. To run a company that does all three steps of diamond importing successfully you must attend around 8 years of schooling. The Gemological Institute of America or GIA is the only school in America that offers you both a 3 year diamond grading course and a 6 year rough, cutting, and polishing course. Then once your finished you can apply for a high ranking management job. And lastly to live “the American dream” and work your way up through the ranks from a sales rep. to the CEO. Being a diamond importer also has great benefits. You get to travel to other countries and experience different cultures that you would not see anywhere else. Another good thing is that the work hours when you are in the country are awesome once all the pieces are in stores you can relax a little a to stay on top of other aspects of the business. The best benefit of all would have to be being
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