Devices And Techniques In The Merchant Of Venice

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The extract that I chose to analyze is Act III, Scene I (21-69). In this extract, Salerio and Solanio discuss the rumors that another of Antonio’s ships has been wrecked. Shylock then enters and accuses them of having helped his daughter, Jessica to escape to elope with her lover. Shylock is furious with his daughter’s rebellion and he expresses it in this extract. Salerio asks Shylock to confirm bout Antonio’s losses in which Shylock responds that Antonio will soon be bankrupt and Shylock will be able to collect Antonio’s pound of flesh as promised. Shylock then delivers his famous speech expressing his motivation for revenge towards Antonio, as he believes that the mistreatment he has received from Antonio is solely because Shylock was a Jew. In this extract, Shakespeare uses a variety of literary devices and techniques to further capture and elaborate the emotion and the main purpose of what exactly the character is trying to imply. Shakespeare uses imagery when it comes to evoke his viewer/reader’s sensory experience. When Shylock says, “I say my daughter is my flesh and blood” (30) Shylock implies that his daughter is only something ‘physical’; his very own blood and flesh in his body solely translates that his daughter to him, is only his child by nature. This is significant because there is no mention of psychological, religious, emotional, or behavioral connections between him and his daughter. This effects the interpretation of the readers as we can infer that the relationship between Shylock and his daughter Jessica is rather broken and empty as Shylock only refer Jessica as plainly as his daughter by nature and nothing else. Shakespeare also uses analogies in this extract to create a comparison to for the further understanding of Shakespeare’s intent in a dialogue. “There is more difference between thy flesh and hers than between jet and ivory,
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