Developmental Stages Of a Child From (2 To 5 Yrs)

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As a Pre-Primary teacher why is it important to know about the developmental stages of a child from (2 to 5 yrs) It is important to keep in mind that the time frames presented are averages and some children may achieve various developmental milestones earlier or later than the average but still be within the normal range. General development between ages 2 and 5 years Children grow in natural, predictable steps, moving from one milestone to the next. You will see gains in five major areas. • Emotional and social development begins at age 2 with excitement about being around other children. But most children at this age play near each other rather than with each other (parallel play). By age 5, most children seek and enjoy friendships. • Physical development slows down from the rapid growth during infancy. From age 2 through age 5, most children gain about 3 lb (1.4 kg) to 5 lb (2.3 kg) a year and grow about 3 in. (7.6 cm) a year. • Cognitive development, or thinking and reasoning skills, progresses from a simple to a more complex understanding of time, letters, counting, and colors. Children are able to follow increasingly more detailed commands. • Language develops rapidly between ages 2 and 5. By age 3, children can speak at least 200 words and can follow two-part directions, such as "Wash your face and put your shoes away." Most 5-year- olds can carry on a conversation. • Sensory and motor skills become more refined, from being able to walk up stairs, kick a ball, and draw simple strokes to being able to do basic tumbling and draw rough figures of people and other recognizable objects. By 2 years of age : • Grow at a steady pace, although it has slowed from the phase of rapid growth during the first 18 months of life. • Alternate between feeling excited, confused, and scared about their emerging independence. Temper tantrums may
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