Development of the Telephone

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Project 1 Science and Technology Design Essay * The aims of this project are: To develop research and subject specific skills in relation to key concepts, cultural issues, and historical development of design practice. * To apply cognitive skills and abilities to a range of historical contextual issues. The ‘Telephone’ is a communications device which enables people to converse with one another over a large distance, by transmitting and receiving the sound of their voice. It was invented over one hundred and forty years ago and is one of the most significant technological discoveries of the nineteenth century. Throughout this essay, I will explore the development of the telephone; examine how science and technology have been instrumental to its changes over time and finally how creating such a device has affected society. In the 1870’s, Alexander Graham Bell independently designed the point to point communications device now known as the ‘telephone’. However many would argue that the first ‘telephone’ came before this. It was known as the ‘Lover’s phone’ (Fig 1) and consisted of two cups/tin cans attached to both ends of a piece of wire/string. This basic device successfully worked as the sound travelled through vibrations from one end of the wire/string to the opposite end. Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2 Nevertheless Alexander Graham Bell was the first to invent an electrical telephone. His creation came after attempting to improve another communications device called the ‘telegraph’ where he discovered that transmitting speech electronically was far more of a significant breakthrough than improving the successful yet limited Morse code system of the telegraph. Figure 2 is most likely what Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone will have looked like. Figure 3 Figure 3 When telephones first came to the market, they were the most elite
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