Determining the Molar Mass of Butane

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Christy Shaver March 25, 2014 Dan Leatzow Chemistry 121 Determining the Molar Mass of Butane Purpose: In this particular laboratory experiment, we are trying to determine the mass of butane (C4H10) collected over water and to experimentally determine the molar mass using conversion methods. Materials and equipment: A butane lighter with the striking mechanism removed. A small ID tubing, a 100 ml graduated cylinder, a water trough, a thermometer and the adventure pro V 412 top loader. Procedure: The lighter is weighed and then a small rubber tube is attached to the gas nozzle of the lighter, making sure that no gas is let out. A trough is filled with water and then the end of the tubing not attached to the lighter is place in the cylinder. The cylinder is then laid down into the trough and tilted as to fill the cylinder all the way up with water, keeping all air bubbles out. Making sure that the rubber tubing is under the cylinder, the cylinder is inverted in the trough, still making sure there are no air bubbles in the cylinder. Also making sure that the tubing is not being pinched off by the cylinder so the butane can get into the cylinder. The release button on the lighter is pressed and held until approximately 90 ml of water is displaced from the cylinder; the level of the water in the cylinder should be level with the water in the trough. The temperature of the water is taken and the lighter is reweighed. All data is recorded and then this experiment is repeated three times, using all the same material. Data and Observations: As the water is displaced from the cylinder, bubbles continuously floated to the end of the cylinder as the water level went down. See Table 1 for all the recorded results. Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Mass of lighter before experiment

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