Determination of Na2Co3 Content in Soda Ash

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1. An experimental section for the soda ash lab. See the example results section from the chemical equilibrium experiment and the details of a results section on page xi of your lab manual. The sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) content in soda ash was determined by performing three titrations. About 125 mL of standard HCl with a molarity of 0.3125 and was poured into a buret. An unknown sample of soda ash was obtained, and for each trial, a little over 1 g of the soda ash was quantitatively transferred into a wide mouth Erlenmeyer flask. About 75 mL of DI water and 5 drops of methyl purple indicator was then added to the soda ash powder. The solution was titrated once until the solution turned light purple, and then the flask was put on the hotplate for about 3 minutes of gentle boiling. After, the solution was titrated once more in order to reach the endpoint that was indicated by a bullfrog green color. This experiment was repeated three times in order to acquire reproducible trials. Afterwards, the average percent of Na2CO3 and the ppt (parts per thousand) was determined with the data collected. 2. Data Table. Include units Unknown Number 51452 Molarity of HCl (aq) 0.3125 M HCL Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mass of soda ash sample 1.053 g 1.052 g 1.055 g Initial buret reading 2.43 mL 2.42 mL 2.38 mL Final buret reading 29.58 mL 29.31 mL 29.31 mL Volume of HCl added 27.15 mL 26.89 mL 26.93 mL Percent Na2CO3 in sample 42.70 % 42.33 % 42.27 % Average percent Na2CO3 in sample 42.43 % Parts per thousand (ppt) 10 ppt 3. Show the calculation to obtain the volume of HCl (aq) added for the trial 3 titration. Volume of HCl added: (Final buret reading) – (Initial buret reading) (29.31 mL HCl) - (2.38 mL HCl) = 26.93 mL HCl 4. Show the calculation to obtain the moles of HCl (aq) added for trial 3. Moles of HCl:
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