Destruction of Society by Technology

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Has Our Society Become Too Dependent On Technology? According to Claire Miller, “the next generation of screens might not even need a touch. Instead, they will understand the gestures of people standing in front of them and pick up on eye movement and speech” (To Win Over…). When it comes to the topic of technology dependency, most people will readily agree that technology is becoming too invasive into their everyday lives. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether technology proves progression or digression of society. Whereas some are convinced that the progression of society is vital to the development of society, others maintain that technology is doing more harm than it is good. In Jacques Ellul’s The Technological Society, Ellul refers to this idea of technique (in which technology would be derived from). This “technique” has its own definition: the totality of methods rationally arrived at and having absolute efficiency. In other words, this “technique” idea refers to the interaction people have with the machine. It is not the technology that is becoming reliant upon but the interaction being put into it. As a society, we are supposed to be making constant progress, but as people began to abandon their farms and small towns, they began to lose communal bonds. With the invention of indoor plumbing and washing machines, women were freed of laborious work, but there was no more socializing at wells. Trains and cars allowed people to be able to move into the city, but more time was spent alone in their cars and backyards (Tierney). People are open to willingly accept the fact of necessary compliancy of keeping up with technology. Think about technology and machinery today. Whereas the increase of technology is decreasing workweeks by the hours, families are being torn apart. It is less likely that children will

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