Destiny in Romeo and Juliet

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What is fate and destiny? Does it really exist or is it just something people say when they need comfort in times of sadness? 'Everything happens for a reason' or 'It was meant to be' is what is said when a disaster befalls someone. Well the dictionary definition of destiny is the predetermined course of events. In other words your future. Even though there is a lot to doubt, I believe in destiny. I think there is a plan set for everybody's life but that people can change things by their choices and how they behave. Some things are set in stones but there are things that you can change so you can create your own destiny. In the 'Romeo and Juliet' opening chorus it says 'A pair of star-crossed lovers took their life'. We see from this that from the beginning they were destined by the stars to have bad luck and nothing they did would help as they could not control fate or change the stars. Their love was destined for destruction. They could not be together openly and had to remain a secret. They were the perfect couple and still chance was not on their side. Romeo and Juliet were unable to have a life together. It seems as if their destinies were linked but could not follow through just because of unfortunate circumstances. Their families were enemies and their love was forbidden. In conclusion Romeo and Juliet were destined to be destroyed and to die a tragic death. Of course there were other factors which caused the deaths like the feud and if that hadn't had happened maybe the outcome would have been different. But that is the thing about fate, not everything is up to
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