Descriptive Essay : My Favorite Food

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Being Hispanic has a lot of benefits from culture and music to food, my favorite. The food is full of so many colors, different tastes, but even though not every dish is the same they all share one thing, the food is delicious. Growing up with Latin roots gives you a much different feel than just burgers and fries; there are so many different dishes, not to say that every person is always able to put their little twist on it. Mexican food is now becoming very popular any place you travel to; my favorite dish however is something typical you’ll find in any Mexican restaurant. This dish has it all, texture, aroma, and taste. Each bite is sure to have you wanting more. At first glance this dish doesn’t look so appetizing, but you should never judge a book by its cover. A lot of the time the food that doesn’t look good ends up being some of the best, this has been the case for me multiple times. My favorite dish is very colorful it’s green, white and orange. When you see it you may be confused because it doesn’t exactly have a shape you can name, it looks like a big mush. When you cut a piece of it off, you can see the gooey white cheese just oozing out. My favorite part is struggling to cut off a piece of cheese since it’s so stretchy from being melted. The egg binding everything together has a cotton candy like texture before you cook it, but is a nice golden color once it’s done. Scrumptious. Not only is this dish full of different colors and different textures, but is also have a few unique aromas. When you’re fire roasting it, you get a smell unlike any other. It always reminds me of a campfire; you can smell the natural aroma, and the spiciness of the chili. Mozzarella cheese has a certain smell to it, as it melts the aroma is absolutely mouth watering. As you get the ingredients ready to make the sauce, you can smell the fresh smell of the ripest red

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