Describe Some Psychological Factors That Are Influences on the Health of the Individual.

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Using examples from Chapter 3, describe some psychological factors that are influences on the health of the individual. Health is defined by The World Health Organisation as ‘a state of complete physical and mental well-being …’ [WHO, 1985 cited in Finlay et al., 2010]. This essay will look at psychological factors affecting an individual’s health. These include beliefs, emotions, and habitual ways of behaving. Using examples from Chapter 3, I will show how these develop and how they influence personal choices and, consequently, health. An individual’s diet and lifestyle choices are influenced by a complex mix of factors. Beliefs about ourselves and how we relate to and compare with others affects the way we care for ourselves and the choices we make. These ideas and beliefs are shaped by social forces such as family, friends and relationships, institutions, laws, social culture, and the media. Our emotions change according to daily and life events. We find ways of behaving which we perceive as either improving our emotions or distracting or numbing us from negative emotions. Any behaviour, positive or negative, can become habitual. Behaviours often continue until either a health issue prompts a change or the individual receives formal or informal intervention. One example which shows this is the case of Juliet. Juliet had been obese until she lost six stone two years ago. Obesity is a Body Mass Index (the relationship between weight, height, sex and age) of greater than 30kg/m2, where body fat has accumulated to a health-threatening extent. Juliet described habitually overeating from an early age and felt destined to be fat. Over time, Juliet began to associate eating, especially sugary foods, with emotional comfort. As her size increased, her self-esteem and mood worsened and her self-beliefs were negative. Juliet suppressed those emotions with
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