Describe and Evaluate Carl Jung's Theory Concerning Personality Types and Show How They Might Usefully Help a Therapist to Determine Therapeutic Goals

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Introduction Carl Jung was born in Switzerland in 1875 and along with Sigmund Freud is amoungst one of the most widely recognised names in psychology. Freud initially worked closely with Freud, some say that thier meeting together lasted over 13 hours of constant conversation. The pair worked closesly, Freud even saw Jung as his protege but he struggled with Freud’s theory of everything being influenced by sexuality and they split their alliance in 1913. Jung was deeply affected by this split and experienced his own psychological ‘crisis’ resulting in him withdrawing to Zurich for six years, exploring his own unconscious. Patients still visited him however and he became renowned worldwide for his skills as a psychoanalyst. In developing his theory on personality Jung stated that when our minds are active and we are awake, we are alternating between taking in information and making decisions in our internal and external worlds. Jung identified eight different patterns for how we carry out these mental activities. He created these patterns through combining his opposite pairs of attitudes and functions. Jung included in his theory his investigations of religion, alchemy. Mythology, when he was analysing human nature. Personality types Carl Jung broke down histheory of personality into two, one was attitutde and the other function. The Attitudes are Introversion and Extroversion, Introversion desccribes someone who is shy and prefers thier own company rather than the company of others. They learn by watching reflecting and revising thier own work and by watching and observing others. Extroverts is the other attitude and it describes people who are much more social and outgoing than others they learn best through direct experience , they enjoy working with others in groups ,they often gather ideas from outside sources ,they are more willing to lead, participate and

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