Depression Is Modern Social Evil

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Depression is modern social evil. We get depressed of so many things that often the whole life seems to be the source of misery. But is everything really so bad or we just take it that seriously? I believe it is our wrong perception of reality that makes us feel depressed. And that means by changing the perception we can change the way feel. Doing this is quite easy. Read 45 ways to feel happier and try at least 10 of them to achieve the goal. 1. Go for a walk every day and spend no less than 20-30 minutes in the open air. When I say ‘go for a walk’ it means you should just walk, with no purpose, and enjoy the process. Hurrying to the office or the supermarket doesn’t count. 2. Spend at least 8 hours for sleep that is essential for the organism to function well. You’ll feel more optimistic when you wake up. 3. Find time for listening to soft music, meditating, dreaming. While doing that forget about your problems and just think positively. 4. Don’t restrict yourself with socializing with people of your age only. Talk to children and old people and you will see how different visions of life can be. Life will seem brighter and more interesting to you! 5. Spend some time alone. Sit in a quiet place and concentrate on your feelings and sensations. Do it daily. 6. Participate in games, both mind and active ones. Play ball with your child, do crosswords, find something that’s different from what you do on the regular basis. 7. Learn a foreign language. Listen to songs in it, watch films. If you feel it necessary start teaching a language you already know. You’ll have a chance to talk to people that do not belong to your usual social sphere. 8. Forgive everybody for everything. The main thing here is to forgive people in your soul. You don’t have to tell everyone that you’ve forgiven them, do it for yourself. 9. Don’t try to forget your sadness by working
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