Deposit All Cash in Hand in Bank

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Grade 8 November 2012 Mathematics Test Integers and Rational Numbers Answer all Question Show working where necessary. 1) Write down the next two terms of each of the following sequences. a) -3, -6, -9, _____, ______ b) 9, 5, 1, ______ , _______ 2) Arrange the following numbers in descending order: , ₋ , -10 , 6 , 1, ₋7 3) Copy and complete by filling in the sign (<, >, =) to make each letter true a) -8 + (-9) 4 + (-10) b) -12-3 5 + (-5) c) -20 + 10 -6 + (-4) 4) Copy and complete the following: a) -623 b) -8m + 10 - 2m + 3 c) 18 d - 25 d 5) Simplify the following: a) (-2)3 b) 48y2 ÷ (-3y) c) 9 - (- 4) ÷ 2 × 5 + (4×3) 6) Solve the following equation for the unknown value : a) m + 3.2 = 7 b) 2y + 6 = - 4 c) Three times a number increased by 10 is -5. 7) The temperatures in Montreal, Canada for a week in February are given in Table 1 below. Day | Temperature (0C) | Sunday | -14 | Monday | -6 | Tuesday | -10 | Wednesday | -7 | Thursday | -6 | Friday | -5 | Saturday | -12 | Table 1 a) What was the temperature difference between the hottest and the coldest days? b) How many degrees did the temperature fall between Friday and Saturday? c) How many degrees did the temperature rise between Tuesday and Wednesday? d) Find the average temperature for the week e) What is the modal temperature? 8) Slim saves his money with the local bank. He keeps a record of his savings. If he puts in $2.00 he writes down +2. When he takes out $2.00 he writes -2. He starts out with $4000. Here is a record of his entries

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