Decision Making – Men Vs. Women

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For years, men and women have been compared and contrasted on many different topics and found to be very different; decision-making is no exception. It is well known that men and women have different shopping strategies, different ways of communicating and place emphasis on different things in relationships. That’s why I’ve chosen to take a closer look at just how different men and women are and possibly come to some understanding of both sides. First, let’s look at decision making while shopping. While shopping, men generally tend to make their purchasing decisions based on immediate needs, and long term considerations usually do not weigh heavily in their decision to purchase an item. Whereas women frequently consider the long-term and decide whether the product can be used and reused overtime before purchasing. If selling to men is emphasized by the immediate gratification but, for women, it’s more useful to ensure they understand the benefits over time. Men generally make purchasing decisions with the facts and data; a woman’s decision is made more on an emotive level. Although they have different decision-making processes in purchasing, keep in mind that both men and women consider the brand of item. Now that we’ve looked at some differences in shopping strategies, let’s take a look at different ways of communicating that men and women use. Stacey Blanchard, CEO of executive leadership consulting firm Hagberg Consulting, surveyed 296 corporate leaders (57 percent of her samples were women) and found that women scored higher on 36 or 47 management competences. Ilene Lang of Catalyst concludes, “Women are perceived to be poorer problem solvers than men, even though in reality that’s probably not the case.” Some difference that Janet Guyon highlighted during her observations are that men love to lecture where women like to listen, men are more likely
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