Decision Making Case Study Analysis

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Decision Making Case Study Analysis University of Phoenix Organizational Behavior and Management/ CJA 443 Charles Steven Courtoy August 6, 2008 Decision Making Case Study Analysis In the United States every individual who’s accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. According to the case study, Rational Sentencing: Whose Rationality? Mary believed that the 22-year old male who was accused of a sexual offense, specifically statutory rape should be sentenced to probation with the condition of having no contact with his 16-year old victim until she reaches the age of 18. Mary’s fellow probation officer Brian disagreed with her recommendation and stated that the judge would surely revoke the idea of probation and sentence the defendant to prison time. The questions of should political concerns play a role in decision making; Should rational guidelines have more importance than political concern; Are there limitations present within rational models of decision making, and if so how are they being implemented during an organizations culture; and are culture as well as political concerns part of the decision making process, if so can they be kept out of decision making. These questions will be answered according to my observation of this case study analysis. Within this case study the defendant should be sentenced according to the crime he or she has committed. An individual should not be placed in prison for a crime that he did not commit because a judge chose to sentence a similar case, against his better judgment with a lesser sentence than the individual deserved which placed a known child molester on probation to go back out in the community to molest other innocent children, making a spectacle of the judge and the court system. Mary, the defendant’s probations officer was given an assignment to recommend a punishment that
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