Death and Dying

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Explain how death and dying have changed with the shift from premodern to post modern societies? According to some Death and Dying has evolved into a modern society of self denials around the issue of death. “From a psycological perspective individuals use denial as as a defence mechanism when confronted with events of a potentially tramatising nature” (Freud, 1940). It can be viewed that since death is no longer witnessed in modern lives that some have become afraid and would rather deny the reality of death. “The British socail anthropologist Geoffrey Gorer and the French historian Phillippe Aries are recognised as early proponents of the idea of the existence of death-denying societies” (Walter, 1991). With the help of Medicine Death is no longer a daily encounter for most on a personal level because of this it can be seen that some may want to aovid the subject at all costs. Death is not very much present today. “If the bereaved person finds others embarrassed, crossing to the other side of the street, I suspect it is not so much because they dare not, cannot, confront death, but because they have had little practice at it, do not know what to do, are scared of saying the wrong thing”. (Walter, 1990, p.33). Phillip Aries (1981) claimed that a public discourse acknowledging death is forbidden in modern society because of the high value placed by twentieth century culture on happiness and romantic love. Gorer (1955) argued that death has replaced sex as one of society's major taboos. It can be seen even from a medical perspective that when death is imminent Physicians will still perform medical proceuders. In developed countries, an increasing proportion of people die in hospitals (Seale, 2000). There is evidence that invasive medical treatment is given to seriously ill patients very shortly before they die, even in the face of very poor prognosis
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