Dbq - Difference Between Outcome of Chesapeake and Plymouth Coonies

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New England vs. Chesapeake DBQ The creations and works of every human being are all based off of intent. Granted, there are many other factors that go into a piece of work, but the intended product (the vision), has the strongest impact, as it is the guide for every action in pursuit of that vision. The group of people coming to settle the New England colonies came in hopes of spreading the word of God and providing a positive and successful example of community in the New World. Many of these settlers included separatists and puritans, or other religious groups that came to the new world purely for religious freedom, not for economic benefits. On the other hand, the Chesapeake Bay settlers came to the new world purely for economic benefit. They wanted to become wealthy and expected to find much gold in the New World, and had no care to create a successful community. The primary reason that the New England settlements were so distinct than those of the Chesapeake region was because the intent of the New England settlers was for a thriving, successful community, where they could be free of religious persecution, while the intent of the Chesapeake settlers was for personal economic gain. When colonizing the New World, the Puritans came to Massachusetts in New England with the intent of portraying a “city upon a hill”, as “all eyes were upon [them]” (Doc A). As being one of the earliest settlements of the new world, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, settled by Puritans, was to be a colony that many others would look at in either disgust, or idolization. In that, they wanted to not only find a new land to freely practice their religion, and purify their church, but they also wanted to create a pure community altogether to be the light of the New World in the eyes of others. These colonies in New England portrayed equality to great extent, as they wanted “everyone [to]

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