Dbq 1: Ancient Greek Contributions

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DBQ 1: Ancient Greek Contributions There are those in modern society who pledge their very lives to their enigmatic gods or goddesses whom they may believe created them and all aspects of life. Even those who believe their lives are governed by themselves with no interference of the supernatural, are blinded by their own present quarrels and or difficulties. Be that as it may, today’s civilization (especially in the Western hemisphere) seems to have lost track of its true and genuine creators though they see the marks of their ancestors each and every day. These “ancestors” happen to be from a familiar land by the name of Greece. Ancient Greek society has shaped almost all western civilization into what it is known as today; therefore, in a literal sense, they could be considered our unpretentious creators. A good place to start would be philosophy; also can be known as the foundation of this construction of modern society. Though it is not seen externally, our “foundation” is far from destroyed. Philosophy has been an important part of human life even before prehistoric peoples could speak. Socrates, an Athenian philosopher, was a curious man. His questions brought an entire new perspective into people’s lives, leading some to become inspired and innovative. “The unexamined life is not worth living,” (Doc. 1) Socrates had once said, continuing to support the concepts of innovation and knowledge. Ironically though, Socrates was put to death because of some of his thoughts. Apparently, a too examined life was also not worth living through the eyes of his executioner(s). This shows a strong tie to religion and the limiting factors of Greek civilization. Despite all the ostracizing, philosophy was destined to expand. Aristotle was one of the many who continued the tradition. “Since human reason is the most god-like part of human nature, a life guided by reason

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