Data Structure Essay

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Concepts of Data Structure Part 4 (Abstract Type) August 11, 2011 IT, Programming The lesson continues on Data structure for Abstract Types but before learning this lesson you should read this. Abstract Data Type A combination of data object to make a data type is known as Abstract Data Type. It is not the concrete data model but a theoretical model. The type is named as abstract as it doesn’t follow any standard or guideline. There are many abstract types I tried to cover the most used and the important ones. Linked List: Linked lists are a DS that is widely used in different programming languages. You can also say that they are the base of many DS. Linked list consist of nodes. Each node hold the address of the next node (depends on the type of the node). A node is a data type bundled with a record or collection of record. Tree: The most commonly used DS is tree. Tree has tree nodes which are connected through linked nodes. They are presented in many different ways but the common representation is the nodes as dynamically allocated records with address to their children, to their parents or to both. Graph: Graph model in DS is used to for the implementation of graph and hyper-graph. The graph structure consists of edge and arcs of nodes and vectors. Edge is the point consisting of X and Y. The edge also has a value which is the cost or weight of the edge. Node can be a part of the graph or external entity. The application of graph is search, finding the optimized path between two nodes, depth-first search and breadth first search. Graphs are of different types as well. Container: As by its name means a collection of other objects. Container is used to store object in a
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