Dancing Styles Essay

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Lillie Gray Mrs. M. Banks ENC0025 29 May 2013 There are many different styles of dances. These dances includes Hip-Hop, Swing dance, and Flamenco dance. Of course there are many others these are the three that I will talk about in my essay. First, Hip-Hop dance began as a movement in the street and clubs. But within twenty years it has taken the dance world by storm. Hip-Hop culture began in the 1970s in New York City, but it wasn’t named until the 1980s. One of the first dance associated with hip-hop was break dance, In order to outdo others dancer some of them extended their moves to the floor “footwork” and “freeze” which consist of fancy leg movements on the ground, and freeze is when the dancer stops monetarily .Different cultures includes Jazz, Rock. Tap and American and Latin America. Next Flamenco Dance is one of integral parts of the art of flamenco. Flamenco came from Andalusia which is now known as Spain. The three main forms that make up flamenco are Guitarra or guitar playing,Cantre or song,and Baile or flamenco dance it is very difficult to separate the song from the dance you need both to make it all come together. Flamenco dancing is an emotional dance style with the dancer always striving to express his or her emotions through movement. The most successful flamenco dancer exhibit is called Duende which means a fairy or goblin. The Swing Dance is very popular in the American Society today. This style originated in the 1920s-1930s. The best known of these dances is the Lindy Hop that originated in 1927. This dance is still popular today Swing dance is basically lots of swinging,flipping,and throwing the dancer. The couples hold hands, and not each other by the shoulder or waist which makes it easier for them swing. The Lindy Hop is one of many swing dances. Its a fusion of many dances that preceded it. The

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